For Want of a Nail…

Unfortunate, when your day gets ruined by an errant delivery of fish. I know having more fish than usual is supposed to be a good thing, but our fridge-freezer is currently not working as it should, and thus we have too many fish.

Our fridge-freezer is not working as it should because we had an invasion of damp behind it, which leaked onto the cooling…rods, and caused them to stop working. And the damp? Well, that’s definitely an interesting tale. See, during the cold winter months we started to pile up the wood in the loft, for some reason that I currently cannot recall. And that, my friends, was only the beginning of the troubles. Fortunately there are termite control experts for Frankston residents, because we had them in to check it out after we noticed that…well, the roof was caving in. They removed the termites of course, although that took several weeks, during which we had to live in a caravan. Lovely place. Lost of play parks, if you have kids and you need somewhere to take them. Not during winter, though…everything tends to be damp, even in times when it hasn’t been raining.

Anyway, the termites took a while to clear out because it turns out that we basically took in a massive colony of them with the wood, and they were very happy to be surrounded by wood columns. The termite inspection people finished the job, and said that too much of the roof had been eaten away and we needed to get a roofing person in, which…okay, we might have procrastinated. The weather got cold, we brought in the firewood, needed the Frankston pest control people to deal with it, didn’t get the roof fixed, the rain came in and soaked the insides of the walls, we got damp, it damaged to fridge-freezer…and here we are, with far more fish than we had ordered. Fate is a cruel mistress.


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