Biz-Ney have knocked it out of the park again, as they so often do. What IS it with their catchy tunes and heartwarming moral stories?? They have me singing for days and days afterwards. Anyway, I'm a little bit late to the party on this one, but I man ...
Removing a Tree, With Ki
Ugh, I had to have another one of THOSE conversations today. You know, the ones I get from total plebeians who don't understand the true beauty of anime. They think I should be watching reality TV and sport instead. As if that's better; how am I going to ...
Indoor cricket saves the day
Nothing quite like playing sport in the rain. Everyone else thinks I'm crazy, but I personally believe that THEY are the crazy ones. Playing in the rain just means that you get to be the best, because you become so good at playing in those conditions that ...
Pirates, for Fun I Guess
Probably the worst thing about working at the docks are the pirates. No, not actual, criminal pirates...I'm talking about the cosplayers. I don't really know how they have so much time on their hands- must be arts students or something- but anyway, the ...
My retiring parents are putting clean energy first
“Mum, seriously, the smartest thing you can do if we are going to talk about energy bills is to get solar panels up there. As in, yesterday.” Mum looks at me like I’ve caught mixo. For someone who used to be a bit of an environmental mover and shaker, ...
Woo hoo! Brand new car smell!
Buying your very first new car is a fabulous way to start a new year. But I’ve such a lot to learn- having a new car comes with a lot of new rules and I’m not 100% that I understand them all just yet. Luckily I found out I can use my preferred Ringwood me ...
The Old Friendly Home Advice Agency
My days of violence are behind me, I like to think. I was quite the firecracker back in my youth, and Wagga Wonga Primary School knew it. Hattie Borden made the mistake of making fun of my stockings, so I knocked out six of her teeth. It beat the previous ...
Dry Needling, For the ‘City Folk’
When the snowman brings the snow, well…you just might like to know: he puts a great big smile upon somebody’s face. Not here though. We’re sadly relegated to a hot and dusty Christmas in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Here we sit on the edge of the ...
Eleventh Hour Disaster for Christmas? Sorted.
My mother in law Stephanie has very nearly arrived for the holiday season. I’ve spent the last three weeks in a sweat preparing for it, but I needn’t have gone overboard. What I didn't think I’d need in the last minutes of preparation, was to find Melbour ...
Peeping Children
I love the apartment block I live in, but there’s one thing about it that bugs me. It’s the fact that it’s squashed up so close to the neighbouring block. The blocks are staggered, so it only affects a small bit of my apartment, but it’s starting to wear ...